Meet the people
Research Team
Professor Kate Reed (Project Lead), Dr Julie Ellis (Research Associate) and Dr Elspeth Whitby (Project Co-Investigator) from The University of Sheffield worked with British Institute of Radiology artist in residence, Hugh Turvey HonFRPS to put together the exhibition. They teamed up with sound artist Justin Wiggan to develop his Life Echo work as part of the exhibition.
Professor Kate Reed
Dr Julie Ellis
Dr Elspeth Whitby
Hugh Turvey HonFRPS
Justin Wiggan
Teardrop is a voluntary organisation under the auspices of Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. It is affiliated to SANDS (Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society) and supports bereaved parents and relatives of babies who have been lost through miscarriage, stillbirth, neonatal death or termination of pregnancy because of fetal abnormality. We are working with Teardrop to tour the Remembering Baby exhibition in Gateshead.
The Economic and Social Research Council | funding provided for both research and exhibition (award number: ES/M010732/1)
Sheffield Children’s Hospital | assistance provided to the research team during the project.
Lee Simmons | visual identity & graphic-design for the exhibition
Alison Wright PR | support provided with publicity for the exhibition
BOM (Birmingham Open Media) | kindly loaned their Life Echo Pods for use in the exhibition.
OOHSCREEN | kindly loaned their media player for the exhibition.
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals | assistance provided to the research team during the project.
Sarah Alwin | Sit & Knit workshop coordinator.
The following individuals have helped with materials for the exhibition or provided support with set up: Tina Corker, John Ellis, Kerry Marston-Giroux, Artemi Kyriacou, Ray McCann, Janet Miles, Gill Ryder and Leo McCann.